Yap, FM – According to COMFSM, Yap Campus facebook page, on Thursday, March 06, 2025, The representatives from the Behavioral Health and Wellness program visited the campus to spread awareness about the Vaping Epidemic here on island. They covered the contents on e-cigarettes and stated the chemicals and effects are just as harmful as regular cigarettes. E-cigarettes contain more nicotine than your regular tobacco product.
In addition to presenting the harmful facts and studies of e-cigarettes, they were spreading awareness of T21. A movement or action to change the age of purchasing cigarettes from 18 to 21.
COMFSM, Yap Campus want to thank this organization for presenting to our students about e-cigarettes. Also thanking the students for attending this presentation.
In addition, COM-FSM Yap Campus was closed on Friday, March 7, 2025, in observance of
International Women's Day.
Upcoming spring events includes POWWOW 3 event on March 12, 2025, All-Campus Meeting 3 on March 19, 2025 and Last day to withdraw a course with a “W” on March 21, 2025.
(For more information, please contact COMFSM, Yap Campus at 350-5149) #COMyap #comevent #comcampus
