The Department of Public Work and Transportation (Road and Ground) Crew were teamed up with other members of the communities to clean and improve various sites for this upcoming Yap Day Celebration. The Department wants to make sure that all the Yap Day sites this year have access for the buses and enough parking lots for all. They are working around the clock with extra hours and also on weekends to constrain the deadline on their projects.
Remember this year is a 6 days event as Yap Day Celebration. So the DPW&T (Road & Ground) crew is working at different places in the communities from Weloy Municipality, Rull Municipality, all the way to Kanifay Municipality, along with the assigned community members.
(For more information, please contact the Public Work & Transportation at 350-2175 Thank You)
#yapdaysite #DPW&Tproject #yapgov #DPW&Tcleaning
