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DYCA Retreat: “Fresh Start”

Colonia, Yap– The Department of Youth and Civics Affairs (DYCA) recently concluded a two-day retreat, one on January 19th and the other on January 22, 2024. The event aimed to motivate and enhance the department personnel, enabling them to be effective in their duties and responsibilities.

T.H. Governor Chieng, T.H. Lt. Governor Itimai, and special guest Senator AnnMarie Laamar delivered remarks on the first day. Notable attendees were DYCA director Mr.Alex Gilfiley and representatives from various divisions:

Youth: Mr.Peter Rebeluluch (Chief of Youth), Ursula Luchuu (Youth Awareness Officer), and Constantine Gilbeengin (Sports Coordinator Officer).

Historic Preservation Office: Mr.Jeffery Marbey (HPO), Mr. Dwyane Fanoway (Registration Coordinator), Ms. Angie Yafangney (Oral History Coordinator), Ms. Mary Gurumed (Grant Manager), Mr.Aloysius Guchbuw (Restoration Coordinator), and Ms.Vanessa Faniffel (Administrative officer).

Media and Protocol: Mr.Eijan Ruwetmag (Acting Chief & TV Program Supervisor), Mr.Casey Jibemai (Program Producer), Ms.Marisha Muguy (Program Presenter), and Ms.Devilin Kinian (Program Specialist). Ms.Henryita Gilguruw (Program Producer), Ms.Petra Fathlee (Program Presenter), Mr.John Gilitaman (Radio Program Supervisor), and lastly Mr.Medson Rawelmai (Administrative Assistant).

Gender Support Office: Ms. Rozeanne Gumtin (Chief).

Website Office: Mr. John Waayan Fillmed (Chief Webmaster).

Public Information Officer: Ms. Jovanna Nabetam Madracheluib.

Administration: Ms.Patricia Gureb (Administrative Officer).

During the retreat, Governor Chieng paid tribute to the late Chief of Media and highlighted the importance of reflecting on the departments’ successes and challenges, as well as Lt. Governor Itimai shared seven life tips for self-improvement.

Special guest speaker, Senator Laamar provided motivational insights based on her personal experiences and values. Also hinted at the importance of having projects be based on Yap terms.

The primary focus of the retreat was to foster communication, evaluate the departmental structure, vision, leadership, team mobilization, adaptability, self-honesty, and administrative process for documents and announcement management. The collective effort aims to enhance both individual growth and the overall efficiency of the Department of Youth and Civics Affairs, contributing to the betterment of Yap State.

For further information, please contact the Department of Youth and Civics Affairs at (691) 350 - 2168. Thank you.

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Sep 16

Sometimes, all it takes is a single day retreat away from daily life to clear your mind and reconnect with yourself and your surroundings. Whether you’re looking to recharge spiritually, mentally, or emotionally, taking a break like this can provide the clarity and peace needed to return stronger and more grounded. These short, focused retreats often bring a renewed sense of purpose, helping you to re-energize and tackle whatever comes next with a fresh mindset and restored energy. It's a simple but powerful way to refresh.

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