Yap, FSM- As the Executive Task Force continues to conduct public education sessions across the State of Yap to inform the people about the upcoming special election on May 31, 2024. Next week, the Executive Task Force will continue its efforts in Pohnpei, raising awareness among Yapese residents residing in Pohnpei regarding the forthcoming referendum on the question, “Shall the State of Yap commence a review of its political status?”
Director Alex Gilfiley from the Department of Youth and Civic Affairs(DYCA) will represent the State of Yap Executive Task Force, accompanied by Medson Yatilman from DYCA’s Media Division. They will collaborate with the Election Board Members in Pohnpei, Jaybee Tamagginey and Tedd Hasgiulbung, to conduct a session on Monday, April 29th, 2024, at 6 pm, focusing on the upcoming referendum.
If a family member, friend, or any Yapese citizen residing in Pohnpei, please contact Mr. Tamagginey or Mr. Hasgiulbung–more details to follow.
(Again, please register to vote if you are the age 18 and older at the Election Office, or visit the website at www.yapstate.gov.fm, or call the Election Office at (691)350-6130, or call DYCA at 350-2168. Thank you.)