Colonia, Yap — On June 12, 2024, from 3:00 pm to 4:10 pm, The Honorable Aren B. Palik, Vice President of the Federated States of Micronesia and the Honorable Governor of Yap, Charles Chieng, Lt. Governor Francis Itmai, and other key officials convened a courtesy call meeting to address a range of critical issues impacting Yap State and the FSM.
The discussions covered several important areas, including improvements to logistical and operational aspects of the airport, the Vice President’s visit to the Yap High School graduation as the guest of honor, and ongoing responses to the drought emergency. In addition, the meeting addressed economic concerns related to FSM’s COFA agreement and discussed strategies for economic development in Yap State.
A significant portion of the dialogue focused on enhancing the relationship between the state and national governments. Another topic addressed was US military activities in Yap and the FSM related to the Yap airport project and the importance of coordinated efforts to manage its activities. The Governor reiterated Yap State’s commitment to collaborating with the National Government, highlighting initiatives to assess land values accurately. Vice President Palik stressed the necessity of precise land evaluations and effective communication to support these efforts.
The conversation also extended to current international matters, emphasizing the need to build capacity and develop a national security policy to address cybersecurity threats. Looking ahead, an upcoming roundtable exercise is planned in Pohnpei to prioritize state needs and actions, particularly in infrastructure, transportation, and financial sectors. The meeting concluded with a reaffirmation of ongoing cooperation and support between the FSM National Government and Yap State Government.
(For further information, please contact the Office of the Governor at (691) 350-2108 or the Department of Youth, and Civic Affairs (DYCA) at (691) 350-2168.)
