The FSM National Election Team, along with four vote-counting groups and two verifiers, completed the initial vote count and tabulation last night for the upcoming election. The unofficial results are as follows: Alexander Tretnoff: 168 votes, Andy P. Choor: 2,077 votes, Fidelis Thiyer Fanoway: 41 votes, Victor Nabeyan: 472 votes, and a Write-in candidate Norman Figirmow: 1 vote
As of now, the Yap National Election Commissioner has yet certified the results as 8 ballot boxes haven't been counted and tabulated at the moment.
The 8 ballot boxes are 3 from off island that include special polling places from Honolulu, Hawaii, Guam and Pohnpei; 4 from the outer islands that include Mogmog, Ulithi, Falalop, Ulithi, Wottegai and Falalop, Woleai; 1 absentee by mail.
(For more information, please contact National Election Office at 350-4217) #yapstatecandidates #yapelection #voter #
