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On December 27, 2023, the Eleventh Legislature of the State of Yap passed YSR 11-41 and 11-42.


Expressing sorrow, sympathy and condolences to the family, relatives, and friends of the late Laura T. Ngaden and to the people of the entire state of Yap, for her untimely passing. 

OFFERED BY SENATOR(S): Nicholas Figirlaarwon 

Yap State Resolution No. 11-41

Introduced: December 27, 2023

Adopted: December 27, 2023 


Expressing deepest sympathy and condolences to the family, relatives, and friends of the late Sebastian F. Tamagken for his untimely passing. 

OFFERED BY SENATOR(S): Nicholas Figirlaarwon 

Yap State Resolution No. 11-42

Introduced: December 27, 2023

Adopted: December 27, 2023 

Transmittal & YSR No. 11-41 & No. 11-42
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