Yap, FSM - This year, International Fraud Awareness Week is being observed to raise awareness about the societal impact of fraud. The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, an organization focused on minimizing fraud globally, estimates that an average organization loses five percent of its revenue annually due to fraudulent activities.
State, Local, and federal governments are frequent targets of fraud
Cases of fraud within state governments tarnish the efforts and reputation of all state employees who carry out their responsibilities with integrity and honesty, ultimately eroding public trust in elected officials.
Fraud targeting Yap State places a burden on its citizens and businesses through higher costs, decreased public revenue and resources, and added expenses related to the investigation, prosecution, and eventual incarceration of those who engage in fraudulent activities. Tips received from employees are consistently the greatest source by which fraud is detected.
(For more information, contact Youth Services at DYCA at 350- 2168 or DYCA.)