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Press Release: Successful Santa Visit to Ulithi by Department of Youth and Civics Affairs - January 9, 2024 // DYCA

The Department of Youth and Civics Affairs (DYCA) made history with its first annual Santa visit to the Outer Islands, leaving a lasting impact on the community of Falalop, Ulithi. From January 5th to January 8, 2024, the DYCA team, led by Director Alex Gifiley, and Chairman of the Council of Tamol, Chairman Paul Marlul, visited Ulithi via PMA.

Expressing gratitude, Jamie, a young resident of Falalop, shared, "Thank you so much for bringing Santa and movie night to our island. Please, please come and visit us again."

Upon landing, the DYCA team received a warm welcome from the people of Ulithi. Gifts of Kaptelwa were presented to the Chiefs of Falalop during a gathering at the local men's house.

Director Alex Gilfiley delivered remarks at the Community Center, expressing appreciation to the students and residents. Santa Claus delighted the children with candies, marking a joyous occasion for the community of Ulithi.

In the evenings of January 5th and 6th, the DYCA team hosted movie nights at the church, an after-sunset entertainment. Locals generously offered food, entertainment, and accommodations to the DYCA team.

On January 7th, the team rested and began preparations for their return. The departure back to Yap proper on January 8th was met with heartfelt farewells.

The DYCA team, upon arriving in Yap Proper, was greeted by Director Gilfiley, Chief Rebeuluuch, and DYCA staff with appreciation for their dedicated service to the people of Ulithi.

The chiefs and residents of Ulithi met with the DYCA Team and agreed to organize another Santa visit to the Outer Islands for Christmas in 2024.

For more information, please contact the Department of Youth and Civics Affairs at (691) 350-2168.

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