Thursday, August 22, 2024 /// DYCA PIO
Yap, FSM – Commanding Officer Lt. Colonel Brian McCarthy and Sergeant Toby Juico, have visited Yap State as part of the Koa Moana 24 mission. The Koa Moana mission is an annual Marine Corps summer program designed to strengthen the U.S.-FSM partnership, reinforce the Compact of Free Association (COFA), and enhance regional security through construction projects, community engagement, and knowledge exchanges, including medical support.
During their visit, the team has been involved in several activities across Yap and the FSM. In Yap, notable projects include the restoration of the WWII Memorial, network extension for a local Catholic school, and other community support initiatives. In Pohnpei, Chuuk, and Kosrae, the team has contributed to the renovation of the Pohnpei Public Library, humanitarian aid in Chuuk, and other local development efforts.
The expected outcomes of these activities include strengthened relationships between the U.S. Marine Corps and the FSM, tangible benefits to local communities, and enhanced operational readiness for the Marines. The mission fosters mutual understanding and respect while supporting local development goals and contributing to regional stability and prosperity.
Lt. Col. Brian McCarthy concluded by highlighting that the Koa Moana mission exemplifies the Marine Corps' commitment to building strong and positive relationships with the FSM, and “[the team] appreciates the warm reception and cooperation from the FSM community and looks forward to continuing their collaborative efforts.”
(For those interested in learning more or arranging activities with the team, please contact 2ndLt Mikellides at Or call DYCA PIO at 350-2168, thank you.)