Yap, FSM - Tomorrow’s weather forecast is mostly cloudy skies and passing showers. High temperature at 88 degrees during the day. Low temperature tomorrow night around 80 degrees. Northeast wind at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 60%.
The tide schedule for tomorrow February 21, 2025 is as follows: High tide early tomorrow morning at 1:14am with a height of 3.5 ft then a low tide tomorrow morning at 5:52am with a height of 2.6 ft. Another high tide in the afternoon at 12:49pm with a height of 4.1 ft and another low tide tomorrow evening at 7:49pm with a height of 1.8 ft.
Please stay informed and take the necessary precautions. More updates and details will follow.
(For more information, contact the Yap Weather Service Office at (691)35e0-2443/2194. Thank you) #yaptideschedule #tidechart #yapweather