Monday, September 16, 2024/// DYCA PIO
Yap, FSM - According to the National Weather Service, a breezy day is forecast for tomorrow, with mostly cloudy skies, scattered showers, and isolated thunderstorms. Southwest winds will blow at 20 to 25 mph, making for gusty conditions. Temperatures are expected to reach highs around 86°F, with a 50% chance of showers throughout the day. While most of the rain will be scattered, there is a potential for isolated thunderstorms, so residents should remain cautious, especially during outdoor activities.
As we shift to the evening, tomorrow night will be mostly cloudy with continued scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms. South winds will ease slightly, ranging from 10 to 20 mph. Lows will be around 78°F, with a 40% chance of showers. The weather may remain unsettled, and it's advisable to monitor local forecasts for any updates. So, if you are planning to get betelnut for your market, wear goggles and bring an umbrella as chances of rain are likely.
The tide schedule for tomorrow is as follows:
High Tides:
6:54 AM – 5.45 feet
7:48 PM – 5.31 feet
Low Tides:
12:52 AM – 2.33 feet
1:17 PM – 0.98 feet
Boaters, fishermen, and beachgoers should take note of these tidal changes, particularly those engaging in activities near the shoreline.
Please stay informed and take the necessary precautions. More updates and details will follow.
(For more information, contact the Yap Weather Service Office at (691)350-2443/2194. Thank you)
