Yap, FSM - According to the Yap Weather Service Office, today’s forecast predicts mostly cloudy conditions with scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms in the morning, transitioning to numerous showers and isolated thunderstorms in the afternoon. Light and variable winds will shift to the east at about 10 mph in the afternoon, with highs reaching around 87°F. There is a 60% chance of showers. Please stay indoors to prevent getting sick and take the necessary precautions to stay safe! Tonight will be cloudy with numerous showers and isolated thunderstorms, accompanied by east winds at 10 to 15 mph and gusts up to 25 mph near showers. Lows will be around 78°F, and highs around 86°F, with a 70% chance of showers. The tide chart for Tuesday, July 16, shows the first high tide occurring at 2:30 AM with a height of 1.29 meters (4.23 feet). The water level then drops to the first low tide at 9:39 AM, reaching 0.57 meters (1.88 feet). The second high tide of the day is at 3:57 PM, with a height of 1.08 meters (3.53 feet). Finally, the second low tide occurs at 9:06 PM, with a height of 0.87 meters. This cycle of rising and falling tides is typical and helps in predicting the best times for activities like fishing and boat rides. Please stay informed and take necessary precautions. More updates and details will follow.
(For more information, contact Yap Weather Service Office at (691)350-2443/2194. Thank you)
