Colonia, Yap - Today will be partly sunny with scattered showers and a slight chance of thunderstorms, with northeast winds blowing at 15 to 20 mph and highs around 88°F. Tonight and Friday, expect mostly cloudy skies with scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms, accompanied by northeast to east winds at 10 to 20 mph, lows around 79°F, and highs around 88°F. Today, the northeast wind will blow at 10 to 20 kt with wind waves of 2 to 4 ft and an east swell of 4 to 5 ft, with scattered showers and a slight chance of thunderstorms. Tonight, the northeast wind will persist at 10 to 20 kt with wind waves of 2 to 4 ft and an east swell of 4 to 5 ft, with scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms.
(For more information, please contact Weather Station Forecast in Yap State at (691) 350-2443/2194)
