Yap, FSM - In preparation for the highly anticipated FSM National Law Day debate, the Yap State Debate took place at the FSM Supreme Court in Colonia Yap. The event, held on May 31, 2023, featured two teams representing Yap Catholic High School and Yap High School engaging in a spirited debate on an amendment slated to go to referendum this coming July.
The topic was the proposed amendment to Article XI, Section 6(b) of the FSM Constitution, which seeks to grant exclusive jurisdiction to State Courts in cases involving disputes over land issues. The Yap High School Debater team, comprising Audrey Thilwey, Jayla Flamar, Lorena Letashigam, Allannie Gooliyaan, Abigail Laan, and Dwayne Luwor, squared off against the Yap Catholic High School Team, consisting of Leilah L. Mayang, Theolynn Pong, and Jolie Jesse Xavier. Judges for this year's State Debate were Alex Gilfiley, Genevieve Mireg, and Ivan En. Time keeper was Tony Tareg Jr.
Yap Catholic High School emerged as the victor of the Yap State Debate. As a result, they will proudly represent Yap in the upcoming National Law Day debate scheduled for June 12, 2023, in Pohnpei.
Let’s commend both teams for their remarkable efforts and congratulate the winners for their outstanding performance. Yap Catholic High can now look forward to showcasing their talents on the national stage, representing Yap with honor and distinction in this year's National Law Day debate.
