Tuesday, August 13, 2024 /// DYCA PIO
Yap, FSM – Last week, the 11th Yap State Legislature had passed Bill No. 11-91 during the Second Regular Session entitled, “To appropriate the sum of $10,147,936 from the Special Revenue Fund of the State of Yap for the purpose of appropriating the 3rd Amended Compact Sector Funding for Fiscal Year 2024.” Therefore may be cited as Yap State Law No. 11-75 and the sum appropriated for FY24 and scheduled as follows :
Education Sector = $4,626,858
Health Sector = $4,914,149
Environmental Sector = $200,000
Public Sector (Capacity Building) = $167,660
ERA Sector = $239,268
Funds shall not be available for obligation for planned uses by the respective agencies unless the planned uses are unconditionally approved by the Joint Economic Management Committee (JEMCO) under the amended compact.
(For more information, please contact YSL at 350-2400.)
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