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Youth Division Movie Night, Island Beautification Project, and Election Outreach Starting this Friday!

Monday, September 23, 2024/// DYCA PIO

Yap, FSM  The Division of Youth Services at the Department of Youth & Civic Affairs (DYCA) will be hosting two back-to-back events starting this Friday.

First up is the Youth & Community Movie Night on Friday, September 27, 2024, at the Yap Airport terminal. The event will kick off at sundown, so bring your friends and family for an enjoyable evening under the stars.

The following day, on Saturday, September 28, 2024, the DYCA will host a Beautification Project to clean and paint the retaining wall under the Council of Pilung building. Community members are encouraged to join this effort and help enhance the environment.

In addition to these activities, Yap State Election Office staff will be present on both days to assist with voter registration in preparation for the 2026 General Election. On Friday, September 27th, voter registration will take place at the Yap State Airport during the movie night, and on Saturday, September 28th, registration will be at Yap State Colonia Park during the beautification project.

If you are not yet registered to vote, this is a great opportunity to get it done. For more information about the events, contact DYCA at 350-2168, and for voter registration inquiries, contact the Election Office at 350-6130 during government working hours.

We look forward to seeing you there!

(For more information, contact DYCA PIO at 350-2168. Thank you)

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